Listening Posts in My Life

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Some people really care to share, but others just want to “spill the tea.”

When it comes to listening posts, I feel like everyone has several different ones in their lives. Just like we all have different groups of friends that we discuss different things with. For me, my listening posts typically center around 3 different things: people, hobbies/interests, and work/school.

When it comes to people, such as extended family, I normally get my information from my mom or my grandmother.

When I’m on campus and it comes to keeping up with people in my dorm, I normally hear a lot while I work at the front desk. As a Resident Assistant at the university, it’s essential that I keep tabs on my residents and look out for any stressors or issues that might be affecting them. So when people stop by and say hello, it’s nice to hear how they and their friends are doing or if there’s any issues with clubs and classes. However, whether it’s updates on people from friends or my mom, it’s always important to gauge what’s news and what’s just gossip.

For hobbies and interests, this is where social media plays a significant role. Twitter and Tumblr are the main ways I keep up with news about my favorite bands. There are usually fan accounts for the artists I follow that update on news, awards, and tour dates, all in one place.

I also have a spare email to subscribe to newsletters from musicians, they usually send out information about ticket presales or merch drops that way. My friends share some of my interests as well, so they’ll update me if anything interesting happens.

Work and school go hand-in-hand for me since I technically work for the school. So I’m usually informed earlier than other students about housing information or some small behind the scenes things. It’s usually my job to act as a listening post for other students when it comes to housing information, such as packing for break, fixing any room issues, and roommate issues. It’s kind of like being the messenger for the housing office.

I don’t think you have to have a large group of friends or many places to have a decent listening post. I feel like social media has made it easier to get all of this information in one place. However, the important thing is judging this information and understanding what’s true and what should be taken with a grain of salt. Some people really care to share, but others just want to “spill the tea.”

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